07 Dec Journeys & Destinations
Tuesday we launched Mystery of the Ballerina Ghost. We had a great time partying with the dozens and dozens of kids (and plenty of adults) who showed up. As a nice bonus, we sold a lot of books, too, so I signed my name over and over along with this encouragement: “Enjoy your journeys as much as your destinations.”
It’s fitting.
This journey Lisa Travis, my business partner, and I have been on has been aimed at many destinations. We’re at a wonderful waypoint now with the launch of Ballerina Ghost. We hope for many book sales and lots of follow-on series set on every continent. We dream of our concept coming to life with dolls and bags and play sets. Honestly, though, the journey has been so much fun that it’s been worth it no matter where we end up.
When we started down this path, I never dreamed I’d learn about manufacturing in China, prototyping challenges, designing nuances, and self-publishing craziness. (Sometime I’ll blog about the $5,000 period.) I didn’t even know I needed to learn these things. My brain has been stretched, my eye sharpened, and my adrenaline rushed.
It’s been a pretty cool journey. I hope we get to one of our possible happy destinations, but even if we don’t, the journey has been a real rush.