Pack-n-Go Girls on Visits Soderstrom Elementary in Lindsborg Kansas
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Pack-n-Go Girls on Visits Soderstrom Elementary in Lindsborg Kansas

Author Janelle Diller visited the second graders at Soderstrom Elementary in April. What a fun time!

They were so enthusiastic and curious – thrilled to be meeting a “real author” in their classroom. Students had the opportunity to explore the world through their five senses. They had fun …

  • Using noisy words to describe what you hear in the jungle of Brazil
  • Using juicy words to describe their sense of taste with Austrian chocolate
  • Using colorful word to describe beautiful art from Mexico
  • Using feely words Touched the soft and squishy jungle flora of Thailand
  • Using smelly words to describe the smell of the Australian outback.

Then they tried using the five senses to make their own writing more descriptive.

And what stellar thank you cards!
Thank YOU! It was our pleasure to visit!

If you are a teacher and interested in a live or virtual author visit, or if you are a parent and would like to suggest an author visit at your school, please reach out to Pack-n-Go Girls via the contact form.

Take your kids on a reading adventure around the world with Pack-n-Go Girls. If you haven’t discovered the audio books, you’re going to love how Kae Denino brings the characters alive. Mystery of the Ballerina Ghost, Mystery of the Secret Room, Mystery at the Christmas Market, Mystery of the Troubled Toucan, Mystery of the Min Min Lights, and Mystery of the Thief in the Night are all available and are Whispersynced to the ebook version. It’s a great way for reluctant readers to build their skills without the stress of decoding every word.